Practice at Liskeard Hillfort Primary School is governed by two types of policies:
a) School specific policies, passed by our Local Governing Body. These policies are listed below.
b) Trust level policies, passed by the Trustees of Truro and Penwith Academy Trust. These policies can be accessed at
Our Relationships and sex education (RSE) policy has to follow the statutory guidance by the Department of Education. Part of this guidance involves us consulting on the parental view. The following letter was sent on 28th June 2023, and no responses were made in this time frame.
Dear Families,
An important aspect of preparing children for life is our provision of the Sex and Relationships Education. Amongst other aspects, under the 'Personal Development' section of the Ofsted inspection framework, we are expected to: Develop responsible, respectful and active citizens; Develop children's understanding of fundamental British values; Ensure that children understand how to keep physically healthy; Develop children's knowledge of healthy relationships and sex education (RSE). There are many other aspects as well!
Clearly, this is a statutory part of the provision in every school across the country - the guidelines for which can be found at . We are obliged to consult on the policy with the parental body, so you will see attached to this letter our proposed policy for the next two years. The consultation period will be from Monday 3rd July to Friday 14th July. Any responses can be sent to .