Special Education Needs

In our school there are some children who have additional educational needs. Identification and provision for these children is made on an individual basis, within an inclusive environment. It is recognised that for some children there may be a need for a short term intervention to support at a particular time, whilst for others, a longer term support package will be needed. Where children have special needs a graduated response will be adopted. The school will make full use of classroom and school resources before drawing on external support. The curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of individual children and there are flexible groupings of children so that a more personalised approach to learning can be developed.

The progress of pupils is reviewed regularly using pupil progress meetings. Additional layers of support are identified and implemented through this process. Individual Education Plans are used to support some pupils – these are reviewed 6 times per year.

Liskeard Hillfort Primary School works closely with other agencies to support children and families. Children with more complex needs may be supported by an Education, Health and Care Plan – this process ensures partnership working to identify and meet needs. Partnership with parents is highly valued – and recognised as an important factor in ensuring children make excellent progress at school.

SEND Information Report 2022-23