How to keep physically healthy!


Develops pupils’ understanding of how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle, including giving ample opportunities for pupils to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular activities 


Science - Children understand the importance of handwashing. Children have discussed being healthy and healthy foods. 

PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health. 

Computing: children can use and are aware of how to use technology to exercise e.g cosmic yoga, Joe Wicks workouts on YouTube.

PSHE - PE lessons, PSHE lessons on ‘What is good for me?’ – food, drinks, exercise and sleep.  



Trish Cooke



Science - Animals need a variety of food to help them grow, repair their bodies, be active and stay healthy 

PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health. 

Computing: Project Evolve- The children learn how to make choice to stop using technology and when to take a break. 

PSHE – MTP Healthy eating and looking after our teeth. 


Whiffy Wilson

Caryl Hart


I Will Not Ever Eat a Tomato

Lauren Child



Science - Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food and hygiene. 

PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health.

 PSHE MTP - Looking after ourselves. Keeping our teeth clean. Washing our hands. 


Six Dinner Sid

Inga Moore



Helen Stevens



Science - Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.  

PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health.  In addition, a wide array of Sports Academy activities supports children’s opportunities.

Computing: Natterhub: They learn to identify and consider why a balance is needed when using screens.



Science - Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.  

PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health.  In addition, a wide array of Sports Academy activities supports children’s opportunities.

Computing: Natterhub: The children will consider how time spent on technology can affect other activities

PSHE: MTP Healthy me – physical and mental wellbeing, nutrition, healthy eating, balanced lifestyle etc.   Turning off devices.   Prepare and present an assembly on how to look after yourself – in body and in mind.




PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health.  In addition, a wide array of Sports Academy activities supports children’s opportunities.

Computing: During their film making unit, Year 5 learn how to create workout videos to promote healthy living.  

PSHE/RSE – Puberty.  The NHS. What is an illness? Why do we need medicine and vaccines?  

Keeping well. 



PE – Real PE and Summer Specialism promote importance of confidence, resilience, physical fitness and mental health.  In addition, a wide array of Sports Academy activities supports children’s opportunities.

PSHE - MTP - Mental health and keeping well.