Curriculum Subjects


Ensures that curriculum subjects such as citizenship, RE and other areas such as personal, social, health and economic education, and relationships and sex education, contribute to pupils’ personal development – including by considering the provision, quality and take-up of extra-curricular activities offered by the school 


Reading – Bedtime Stories, 5 a day. 

Geog – All About Me (understanding differences about the world)

Science - Children have been visited by a dentist to ensure that their learning about oral hygiene has a purpose. Some of the books read in EYFS are linked to science e.g The very hungry caterpillar 

RE - Nativity Performance to the parents 

Music – Exposing chn to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words, throughout all Year groups.

PSHE - PSHE Lessons, EY PSHE books used at story time, Circle time, RE MTPs  


Wow Said the Owl

Tim Hopgood


Okapi Loves His Zebra Pants

Terri Tatchell


How to Look A

After Your Dinosaur

Jason Cockroft



Geog – Our Cornish Home

Science - Some of the books read  are linked to science e.g  Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with their senses. 

RE Nativity Performance to the parents 


Rabbit’s Bad Habits

Julian Gough


Little Robin Red Vest

Jan Fearnley



Geog – Around the World – greater understanding of their place in the world

Sci - Some of the books read in Y2 are linked to science curriculum e.g. Jaspers beanstalk.  Children plant seeds / bulbs and are responsible for these growing healthily.   

RE - Nativity Performance to the parents 



The Sea Monster

Chris Wormel



Geog - Counties unit – understanding of local area and how it contributes to experiences/development

Computing - Opportunity for the children to become Computer Technician and support with looking after the tech, supporting their peers and address new online safety concerns/testing new APPs. 

RE - Nativity Performance to the parents 

Music – Singing, Dance and Musical Theatre at Arts Academy offer

PE – Football, Rugby, Cycling, Judo, Dance, Cross Country, Netball offer at Sports Academy


Computing - Opportunity for the children to become Computer Technician and support with looking after the tech, supporting their peers and address new online safety concerns/testing new APPs. 

RE - Nativity Performance to the parents 

Music – Singing, Dance and Musical Theatre at Arts Academy offer

PE – Football, Rugby, Cycling, Judo, Dance, Cross Country, Netball offer at Sports Academy


Computing - Opportunity for the children to become Computer Technician and support with looking after the tech, supporting their peers and address new online safety concerns/testing new APPs. 

Music – Singing, Dance and Musical Theatre at Arts Academy offer

PE – Football, Rugby, Cycling, Judo, Dance, Cross Country, Netball offer at Sports Academy

RE - Performance showing how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world. 


Computing - Opportunity for the children to become Computer Technician and support with looking after the tech, supporting their peers and address new online safety concerns/testing new APPs. 

Music – Singing, Dance and Musical Theatre at Arts Academy offer

RE - Performance showing how Christmas is celebrated differently around the world. 

PE – Football, Rugby, Cycling, Judo, Dance, Cross Country, Netball offer at Sports Academy

Art and Design – Interpretation of Viewpoint